Spending my days along side a master tailor has been a joy, a prividelge, and has taught me so much. Apart from learning the shop and handling various odds and ends in my first week and a half, I have made four pair of 18th Century style fall-front knee breeches and 3 red velvet waist coats.
A few other things that my new job has taught me:
-Professional theatre is hard work
-The benefits of using tailor's tape
-Press your napped fabrics on a velvet board to retain the loft in their pile
-A double welt pocket is not nearly as complicated as it looks
-Stereotypes about those who work in theatre are entirely untrue
-Stereotypes about those who work in theatre are entirely true
-A giant learning curve is the best thing a job can offer
-Though I swore I never would, I have found a career that uses math on a daily basis
-I'm a fool to not have a sleeve board or tailor's ham in my studio