Sweet Inspiration | Hassle-Free
"...home-made clothes shouldn't be only a chick thing. Men should be able to get over their uptightness about making clothes, about doing all kinds things they have been brainwashed into relegating to women..."
"There's a thing about high fashion - it's pretty much a hype. All this raising and lowering of hemlines, these do-dos and don't-dont's seem to us to be just a way for the clothing industry - big business indeed - to keep their thing going. We find Vogue and Bazaar magazines best for cutting up as collages. Mass-produced garments just never seem to acquire the aura of down-home funkiness that home-mades have."
Big thanks to sweet Rosie for hipping me to this one!
I love that they don't dismiss fashion magazines wholesale-- that they've found a constructive place for them in their lives.
I fell asleep last night reading this book. I needed my own copy! (Thanks, Michael, for the tip!) I love how it is mentioned many times that none of the instructions include darts, because where there are darts, there are bras, and bras give you a "funny shape"!
The cover photo is just about the most inspiring thing I've seen in years!
One of my personal favorites in this genre is "Peasant Chic", check it out! Also, Alicia Bay Laurel's classic, "Living on the Earth"....sublime hippie writing.
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